to be Happy

Byron Katie
Byron Katie – “It’s good that it hurts. Pain is the signal that you’re confused, that you’re in a lie.” Ground Zero for life information, purpose, and introspection. Do the Work inside first.
Ron Gutman
Ron Gutman
Beautiful talk about the hidden power of smiling and how radiating positive emotions effect everyone around us. Amazing things happen when you smile a lot.
Dan Gilbert
Dan Gilbert
A Professor of Psychology at Harvard University Dan is a social psychologist who explores biased perception of what may be our idea, or perception of happiness.
The Invitation – “It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing.” The first book I bought intuitively.
Shawn Achor
Shawn Achor
If your interested in the science of happiness Shawn’s book “The Happiness Advantage” is a great place to begin. Start at
Violence is Violence. It has no gender. No one has the right to hurt anyone, ever. Watch this.


This is huge! DisEase causes disease. Think about your thinks before you think them. Stress effects your health and wellness in so many ways
Martin Seligman
Martin Seligman
American psychologist and author, his theory of learned helplessness is enlightening as is his book “Flourish.” Lots to learn about the power of positive psychology.
Matthieu Ricard
Matthieu Ricard
Matthieu has a Ph.D. degree in molecular genetics and gave up his scientific career to become a Buddhist monk. His photography is beautiful as is his generous talk.
Stuart McMillen
Rat Park is a scientific look into addiction and it’s roots in isolation. We all are addicts in one way or another. Finding a community, higher purpose, and love grows a greater understanding and healing.
Mihaly Cziksentmihalyi
Mihaly Cziksentmihalyi
Leader in Positive psychology, his writing on Flow, the things we lose time doing, that we are happiest doing, really changed my focus toward things that were authentically rewarding to me.
Martha Beck
Martha Beck
Martha is like the best friend you always wished for, funny, honest as hell, and see’s through all your BS in every insightful book she writes. Get to know yourself, start with her.
Elizabeth Gilbert
Elizabeth Gilbert
Candid talk on the fear that our creative genius is limited and all the roadblocks we set against ourselves. I share the view that there is genius in all of us & not all artist’s are tortured.
Michael Norton
Michael Norton
Harvard educator teaching us how we use our money may matter as much, or more than how much of it we’ve got. Great articles and info on how the pursuit of money actually hurts you
Soul tribes are fascinating, each one there to teach us lessons. Soul twins are unique, two bodies sharing a soul. So much info you will have to Google it and decide what you believe is true!
Heart Math – The muscle that is the proven front-runner as the strongest muscle in the human body is the Heart. Know it sends out everything you think or feel. It can break or mend.






Caroline Heldman
Caroline Heldman
Amazing lesson on “the sexy lie,” we tell. A “should watch” talk. It will dramatically change the way you treat and view women, men, or any living thing.


Graham Hill Graham's practice of life editing and "making room for the good stuff," is a great step towards simplicity and why you should get rid of that storage unit.
Graham Hill
Graham’s practice of life editing and “making room for the good stuff,” is a great step towards simplicity and why you should consider downsizing.
Jason Silva
Jason Silva
I am a groupie and can’t get enough of his videos “shots of awe” – go to his website and be amazed at this remarkable young man.